How meditating saved my life!

Back in 2013, I was in my lowest depression I had ever been in. I didn’t want to see my friends and all I wanted to do was stay in the house. I was not making good money and was surrounded by bills and didn’t have a way to pay them. I was at my lowest point and had no clue how to get out of it. Now that I look back I honestly didn’t see a way to get out but I always knew there was a way. One day I was at my low paying job when I heard about a thing called “The Secret”. It was a book about people who basically changed their mindsets in order to change their outcomes. Their lives were amazing but had started off so bad. Like me! How do these people do it, well they applied the law of attraction.

The Law of Attraction (which is also in the Bible) if you and ask and believe then it is already yours. So I honestly started to appreciate the things I had already had. I had a good family, great friends, good health, a job, an apartment. What was I complaining for? I was obviously crazy! My life was so good. And I just wasn’t taking anytime to appreciate what I already had.

Then, I discovered meditating. And this was my game changer. I started to meditate and see everything I wanted out of life and feel grateful for it. Even though at that point I didn’t have it meditating made me feel so good. Sometimes I would get so deep in it I would almost be able to touch my dreams. I did this for several months and BOOM my life changed DRASTICALLY

I got a job that paid me almost $20,000 more than what I was making at my previous job. I was in a good place financially. I was meeting the people I wanted to keep in my life forever. My family appreciated each other more. All because I meditated. I owe so much to meditation.

I honestly have struggled my entire life to find a way to communicate with God. I mean I know a lot of people pray but I needed something much more concrete. I needed my own language to talk to God. This was my way! I continue to meditate to this very day. It has always made my relationships so much more fruitful and worthwhile. I am a completely different person. Meditation saved my life!

Published by gooddeedsdede

I am just like you a girl who has had many experiences with depression, love, heartbreak, triumph, and achieving happiness. I want to make this a blog exactly how we have at my kitchen table open free dialogue. Welcome to Good Deeds Dede :)

2 thoughts on “How meditating saved my life!

  1. Very inspiring and I agree with you, mediating is quite amazing especially how it takes one to another level completely. I’m happy for you that you found your own way to communicate with God💝


    1. Me too! Hopefully it will help someone else who is struggling. I have never been good at sitting at a church and praying but I knew I loved the lord. I just had to find our own special way for us to speak to each other.

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